Wednesday 7 March 2012

Play dough

We had our first play dough making attempt the other day. Firstly i was quite surprised at just how much salt you actually add to the recipe. As a lover of all things salty - olives, anchovies, salt & vinegar chips....I shouldn't be surprised really as i remember eating my fair share of home-made play dough in my early years...maybe this is were i got the taste from!? Any who, this is the recipe i used;

Step 1Ingredients

Basic ingredient ratios:
2 cups flour
2 cups warm water
1 cup salt
2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
1 Tablespoon cream of tartar (optional for improved elasticity)

food colouring (as much as desired)

Step 2Mix and heat

Mix all of the ingredients together, and stir over low heat. The dough will begin to thicken until it resembles mashed potatoes.

When the dough pulls away from the sides and clumps in the center, as shown below, remove the pan from heat and allow the dough to cool enough to handle.

IMPORTANT NOTE: if your playdough is still sticky, you simply need to cook it longer!
Keep stirring and cooking until the dough is dry and feels like play dough.

Step 3Knead & color

Turn the dough out onto a clean counter or silicone mat, and knead vigorously until it becomes silky-smooth. Divide the dough into balls for coloring.

Make a divot in the center of the ball, and drop some food colouring in. Fold the dough over, working the food color through the body of the playdough, trying to keep the raw dye away from your hands and the counter. You could use gloves or plastic wrap at this stage to keep your hands clean- only the concentrated dye will color your skin, so as soon as it's worked in bare hands are fine.

Work the dye through, adding more as necessary to achieve your chosen colour.

So much fun watching him build and play!

Looks like Mr. Crocodile was a little curious as to what the salty dough tasted like too...

I would say our first attempt was a success. It made a really good quality dough and Cohen just loves building little landscapes for his animals to live in. I just have to watch him as he too seams to be curious as to what this salty dough tastes like. I have found him running to a corner of the house or behind the couch to sample our green and yellow creation.


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